Whether it’s...
- formulating a go to market strategy
- brainstorming a compelling email subject line
- re-engineering a loyalty program to incorporate new channels
- leveraging my sales experience to expedite a CRM cloud implementation
…the multi-channel marketing communications and automation initiatives I lead focus on growing an audience and a customer base.
Whether it’s...
- guiding a marketing cloud implementation with lots of stakeholders and not a lot of time
- rooting out a stubborn gremlin in a url link’s code
- managing detailed documentation and intricate brainwork of a data exchange that's just a simple arrow on a Visio
…my matrixed project management is focused the collaboration that delivers a seamless and compelling customer journey.
Whether it’s...
- learning what keywords and content are compelling prospects to take the first step --click-- in their journey
- identifying the winner of Email A vs. Email B
- applying all the analytical insights that effect email deliverability and SEO
...continual improvement of each interaction in the customer journey and overall campaign performance is the goal.
Since 1993
Multi Channel Marketing and Sales Enablement
I have built a rich history from "indoor/outdoor" sales rep, to "classical" marketer, to multi-channel, data-driven marketer --a field that never stops expanding while becoming more intricate.
My resume highlights my career arc starting with my MBA from Pitt's Katz Graduate School's Class of a long time ago.
My LinkedIn profile offers additional perspective.
My Instagram feed gives a sense of my creative bent. As certified by my Studio Art minor from Middlebury's Class of a really long time ago.
Let's connect
I can be reached by multiple channels and welcome your inquiry